Power your Business with Environmental Information
What is EarthOS?
EarthOS is a tool to access, visualize and run customised queries on large volumes of diverse environmental data over any time scale anywhere on the planet for which data is available. Our intuitive web interface makes it easy to play around with the data and set up real-time recommended actions. Our API allows you to power your system with cutting edge data.
Leading datasets are available from global to local levels, and include past, current, short term and long term projections. Most datasets are updated daily, and new datasets are being added all the time.
Data services available on EarthOS allow users to develop and run formulas that incorporate one or more datasets, as well as filtering and running analysis on the data. EarthOS is a fast, flexible and customizable service that allows people to become familiar and play with environmental data, as well as boosting any web data solution.
Diverse data on EarthOS
and it’s growing all the time
Available now From To
Precipitation September 2022 current
Air temperature September 2022 current
Wind speed September 2022 current
Air pressure September 2022 current
Humidity September 2022 current
Snow depth September 2022 current
Wave height September 2022 current
Wave direction September 2022 current
Air visibility September 2022 current
Shortwave flux September 2022 current
Longwave flux September 2022 current
Sea ice September 2022 current
Soil water level September 2022 current
Coming soon . . .
Land cover; Water bodies; Leaf Area Index; Soil Water Index; Burnt Area; and Dry Matter Productivity
PM1; PM2.5; PM10; CO2; CO; Nitrogen oxides (N2O, NOx); Nitrate radicals; Peroxyacetyl nitrate; Sulphur oxides; Sulphates; Methane; NMVOCs; Methanol; Propane; Ethane; Isoprene; Ozone; and Ammonia
Nutrients; Salinity; Sea ice; Plankton; and Oxygen
ERA5 Global Reforecasts; and IPCC CMIP6
EFAS Flood data; EFFIS Wildfire data; and EDO/GDO Drought data
Intuitive EarthOS web interface
API access for leading planetary datasets and analytics
Web viewer to make your own data available to the public
Plug-ins for Q-GIS, ArcGIS, and project management solutions

Alerts and recommended actions
Receive SMS and email alerts when user-defined thresholds are exceeded. The alert can be for a specific point, area or administrative region of interest over a specified time frame. The alert can also include recommended actions set by the user, reinforcing preparedness and short-term risk mitigation.
E.g. When 6-hour temperature forecast is under 2 °C and there has been no rain in three previous days for your farm, then take steps to protect seedlings from frost.
Aggregates and analytics
Calculate descriptive statistics (average, minimum, maximum, range, standard deviation etc.) for a specific point, area or administrative region of interest over a defined time period. Users can also run analytics on the number of times a given event has occurred in a point, area or administrative region for a defined time period.
E.g. Standard deviation of biomass and plankton for the Sargasso Sea between June 2020 and May 2021.
Develop and run complex formulas that incorporate one or multiple planetary datasets. This groundbreaking feature is possible thanks to the powerful formula engine that underpins EarthOS.
E.g. Wet bulb temperature :
gfs.air_temperature * atan(0.15 *( gfs.humidity + 8.31)^(0.5)) + atan (gfs.air_temperature + gfs.humidity) -atan (gfs.humidity - 1.67) + 0.0039 * gfs.humidity^(3/2) * atan(0.023101 *(gfs.humidity)) - 4.686035
Time series
Produce time series data and visualizations for any planetary dataset or formula. This is available for a point, area or administrative region of interest. This is crucial for highlighting trends over time.
E.g. Monthly carbon dioxide emissions for California over the past three decades.
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