Ecosophy is a term that emerged in the latter half of the 20th century, encompassing a range of philosophical perspectives and approaches relating to the interconnections between ecology, society, and human consciousness.
The concept was popularized by Gregory Bateson, an anthropologist, cybernetician, and systems theorist, who argued that ecosophy could foster a more harmonious and sustainable relationship between humans and the natural world. Bateson emphasized the need for a holistic understanding of the interconnectedness of individuals, their environment, and the systems that support them.
Around the same time, the Norwegian ecologist Arne Næss formulated the dual concepts of deep ecology and ecosophy. Næss stressed the inherent value of all living beings and advocated for humans to recognize their place within the larger ecological system. His deep ecology philosophy emphasized a moral duty to respect and protect the rights of other beings, promoting a more sustainable and ecologically conscious way of living.
Félix Guattari, in collaboration with Gilles Deleuze, expanded upon the concept of ecosophy by exploring the intersections between philosophy, ecology, and social and political transformation. They emphasized the transformative potential of ecosophy as a means to challenge established power structures and promote alternative ways of thinking and living.
The term “ecosophy” has been further developed and discussed by other scholars, such as Henryk Skolimowski and David Rothenberg. Skolimowski advocated for a participatory and holistic approach to knowledge, emphasizing the need to reconnect with nature and promote ecological values. Rothenberg's writings engage with the philosophy of Næss and deep ecology, exploring the implications of ecosophy for environmental ethics.
Ecosophy emerged in many places around the same time as a concept seeking to integrate ecological, social, and psychological dimensions of human life, emphasizing a holistic understanding of the interconnections between individuals and their environment, promoting sustainable and harmonious relationships with the natural world.
That is also our goal.
At Ecosophy, we believe that we need to understand our environment in order to effectively manage our relationship with it. We are building a platform based on the best available science, aiming to make it easier for people make better decisions about our planet.