15 November 2023
More good news. We're pleased to announce that we have been awarded the Tækniþróunarsjóður Sproti grant administered through Rannis. This will providing an enormous support building out EarthOS over the coming years.
30 May 2023
Why data can help us to save the planet
We caught up with Smári McCarthy, founder of Ecosophy to learn more about his plans to use data to help companies aiming to better understand climate change and factor it into their planning and operations. He is also involved in numerous other freedom of data initiatives and Is also a member of the Icelandic Parliament too.
25 May 2023
Ecosophy wins EU Space Competition
Íslenska sprotafyrirtækið Ecosophy hlaut 4.5 milljónir króna í verðlaunafé frá Geimstofun Evrópusambandsins.
10 July 2023
Ecosophy’s EarthOS wins in EU Space Agency competition
Ecosophy’s prototype for its platform is among the winners of the EUSPA innovation competition. Ecosophy is an Icelandic startup focusing on making environmental data actionable, in part by making access to data from EUSPA’s Copernicus system accessible. The company received a prize of €30,000 and is working on a partnership with the agency.
4 February 2022
The top 10 compete for the golden egg
Gulleggið, stærsta og elsta frumkvöðlakeppni Íslands, á vegum Icelandic Startups er nú á lokametrunum. Rýnihópur hefur valið 10 efstu teymin sem halda nú áfram keppni sem fram fer 4. febrúar.
Í ár bárust 155 hugmyndir þar af yfir áttatíu kynningar sem voru sendar inn í lokakeppnina sem vildu freista þess að komast í Topp 10 en það eru mun fleiri kynningar en oft áður.
11 November 2023
Dev blog: The difficulty of working with many data sources
Recently we’ve seen a lot of seismic activity in and around Grindavík, Iceland. Ecosophy’s offices are about 40km away, and while we’re not directly affected, we are obviously deeply aware of the events unfolding nearby and eager to see how we might be able to help in communicating available information. How can EarthOS be used for seismic activity and what are the difficulties faced in accessing the data.
1 December 2023
We're delighted to announce that Ecosophy has received a grant through the Islandsbanki Entrepreneur Fund.
The fund offers support to projects that support the UN SDGs.
Thanks for the support!